School Col·legi Sant Lluís de Pla i Amell-Bosch

School Col·legi Sant Lluís de Pla i Amell-Bosch of


Carrer Sant Climent 8, 08859, Begues, Barcelona.

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The Sant Lluís de Pla i Amell -Bosch School, part of the Manyanet school network, located in Begues, offers Early Childhood Education, Primary Education, and Secondary Education for ages 3 to 16. The Early Childhood Education has its own building with a dedicated teaching team, a support assistant, and specialists in English Language and Music. The psychomotricity program includes a weekly swimming session at the municipal pool in Begues. Primary and Secondary Education share a building while benefiting from mutual learning. We work closely with our natural and municipal environment, maintaining a sustainable and community-focused approach. Our educational offering is enriched with complementary subjects unique to our centre: Emociona't (with special focus on emotions and self-awareness), Chess in the classroom, Atellier and Arts and Crafts, and Science, within the framework of a Multilingual School. We highlight our Erasmus Accreditation, the option for Dual Baccalaureate from the second year of ESO, and the opportunities for exchanges and stays abroad

Educational System of School Col·legi Sant Lluís de Pla i Amell-Bosch


Pedagogical method active methodologies / innovation

Educational principles

Our educational project begins with early stimulation in the Early Childhood Education stage, focusing on routines and skills as the foundation for critical thinking through the development of Multiple Intelligences and active methodologies.

We diversify teaching and learning strategies to provide all children and young people with opportunities to engage with the present and future. We offer emotional support and create a motivating environment that generates positive expectations following the Manyanetian charisma. A quality educational project that educates for life. Creativity, innovation, and resilience to adapt to changes, as well as effort, respect, and generosity, are qualities and values we foster in our students.

Center values

Creativity, innovation, and resilience are essential for adapting to change. We cultivate these qualities in our students alongside effort, autonomy, and commitment. Respect serves as the core value and foundation of our community, all from a human and Christian perspective.

Number of Students: 490

Number of Teachers 51


Ratio: 10 students per teacher

Tutoring Tutoring
Tracksuit Tracksuit

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Attention to Diversity at School Col·legi Sant Lluís de Pla i Amell-Bosch

Hearing impairment Hearing impairment
Motor disability Motor disability
Educational Psychologist Educational Psychologist
Speech therapist Speech therapist

Information about the curricular adaptation of the School Col·legi Sant Lluís de Pla i Amell-Bosch

The Educational Guidance Service (EGS) provides support to families, assisting in interviews when needed. It involves student and group observation, coordination with the area's Psycho-pedagogical Advisory Team (EAP), and active participation in local plans, drug dependency programs, and the social and diversity care committee. It also offers personal and academic guidance.

Educational Stages of School Col·legi Sant Lluís de Pla i Amell-Bosch

Early Years 1st Cycle
(0-3 years)
Nursery, 2nd cycle
(3-6 years)
Primary School
Secondary Education
Vocational Education and others

Ed. Infantil 2° ciclo (3-6 años)

Early Childhood Education (Second Cycle) - Daytime (In-person) - Charter

Educación Primaria

Primary Education - Daytime (In-person) - Charter

Educación Secundaria Obligatoria

Compulsory Secondary Education - Daytime (In-person) - Charter

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Languages and International Programs at School Col·legi Sant Lluís de Pla i Amell-Bosch

Spanish Spanish (High)
English English (High)
French French (Half)
Catalan Catalan (Vehicular)

Information about languages of the School Col·legi Sant Lluís de Pla i Amell-Bosch

We are a school with certification as a multilingual school. We have a long history of European programmes, exchanges, external ESOL Cambridge tests, and subjects taught in the English language (Arts and Crafts, Science, Psychomotricity) that support this work. Our educational project promotes linguistic, plurilingual, cultural, and social competence so that students can develop autonomously in the four languages we offer.

Dual Baccalaureate Dual Baccalaureate

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Extracurricular Activities at School Col·legi Sant Lluís de Pla i Amell-Bosch

Activities Trainers

Soccer Soccer
Skating Skating
Judo Judo

Activities Artistic

Theater Theater

Activities Cultural

Study support Study support
English English
Reading workshop Reading workshop

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Services and Facilities of School Col·legi Sant Lluís de Pla i Amell-Bosch

Awards and Recognitions of School Col·legi Sant Lluís de Pla i Amell-Bosch

In previous years, it appeared in the following rankings:

Mejores Colegios de Barcelona
Mejores Colegios de Barcelona

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Reviews of School Col·legi Sant Lluís de Pla i Amell-Bosch

* Sample provided by Google Places

Foto de Marc Inés

Marc Inés

full star full star full star full star full star
Hace un mes

Una infancia y adolescencia inmejorables, una educación de élite en un entorno privilegiado. Salí preparadísimo y viví unos años y viajes que nunca olvidaré. 15 años estudiando en ese centro, y lo repetiría muchos más.

Foto de JMTS


full star full star full star full star full star
Hace 2 meses

Buen equipo docente en todas las etapas educativas del centro.

Foto de María Rodríguez Madrid

María Rodríguez Madrid

full star full star full star full star full star
Hace 5 meses

Gran equipo de administración y servicios, me consta que se dejan el alma en su trabajo!

Foto de Xavi Martin

Xavi Martin

full star full star full star full star full star
Hace 5 meses

Colegio bien ubicado y con grandes profesionales. Estamos muy satisfechos con la educación de nuestros hijos?

Foto de Eva Jané Pérez

Eva Jané Pérez

full star full star full star full star full star
Hace 6 meses

¡Hemos llegado este año para el curso escolar 24/25 y tenemos que decir que de 10! El recibimiento es espectacular. Nuestros hijos están en una semana totalmente integrados y muy contentos. También hemos notado que existe alto nivel académico y muy buen ambiente.

Foto de Carlos Otero

Carlos Otero

full star full star full star full star full star
Hace 10 meses

Un buen colegio con una buena educacion

Foto de Alba Pérez

Alba Pérez

full star full star full star full star full star
Hace 12 meses

Soy exalumna y actualmente doy clases de inglés extraescolar. ¡Se nota que se saben adaptar a los cambios sin abandonar la exigencia académica! Los docentes son muy buenos y se esmeran mucho. También prestan mucha atención al inglés y organizan intercambios y viajes a países anglófonos. Además, la escuela se encuentra en un entorno privilegiado y tiene un patio muy grande en el que los niños pueden jugar tranquilamente.

Foto de Borja Aitor Arriaga

Borja Aitor Arriaga

full star full star full star full star full star
Hace un año

Trabajo desde el Equipo de Titularidad y puedo decir que contamos con un gran equipo. Una vez terminada la secundaria, pueden seguir sus estudios de Bachillerato en el Manyanet Les Corts, del que soy exalumno. El alumnado sale bien preparado académicamente y también a nivel personal. ¡Muy recomable! Por cierto, ¡qué entorno más privilegiado!!

Foto de Abel


full star full star full star full star full star
Hace 2 años

Mi experiencia personal ha sido muy buena. Buen trato tanto con mis hijos como a nosotros como familia.

Foto de Pedro Campos

Pedro Campos

full star full star full star full star full star
Hace 2 años

Tube una beca de Seguros Raseguros del estado con un grupo de Asturianos Leoneses Palentinos y vallisoletanos sobre los años 70 para mi fue una época inolvidable con buenos y comprometidos educadores que marcaron mi futuro.

Contact the centre

Feel free to contact the centre! You can choose whichever channel you prefer to resolve all your queries.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the price of the School Col·legi Sant Lluís de Pla i Amell-Bosch?

    The price of the School Col·legi Sant Lluís de Pla i Amell-Bosch is in the range of 0€ or <100€ per month per student.

  • What opinions do of the School Col·legi Sant Lluís de Pla i Amell-Bosch families have?

    The reviews for School Col·legi Sant Lluís de Pla i Amell-Bosch indicate a rating of 4.2 out of 5 based on 22 existing reviews. You can read all the reviews here

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