Instituto LMI College de

4.8 (17 valoraciones)
Avenida de Bruselas 9, 28108, Alcobendas, Madrid.
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Instituto Privado de Educación Secundaria, Bachillerato y FP

El Instituto LMI College es un instituto privado de educación secundaria, bachillerato y fp ubicado en Avenida de Bruselas 9, Alcobendas.

Since 1993, LMI College's highly personalized and adaptable education programs provide a unique opportunity for international students, especially talented students and students with special needs to excel. How do we do that? At LMI we count on a number of tools that help us reach our objectives:

• Central to the success of LMI College is its Individualized Education Plan (IEP), which is tailored to meet the specific needs of each student. The IEP is developed before the student begins their journey at the centre and after a rigorous selection and evaluation process. The plan sets out the objectives that the student is expected to achieve and the path they need to follow to reach them. Both planning and joint efforts between parents, specialists in the socio-psychological field, and a highly trained teaching body are essential to ensure that international students achieve their academic goals and reach personal fulfillment.

• At LMI College, students are provided with continuous professional support from specialized psychologists and counselors throughout the academic year. In addition to this, the institution receives support from prestigious external institutions that offer tests, assessments, therapy, and intervention if necessary. With both academic and emotional support, students at LMI College are provided with the tools they need to thrive.

• The academic curriculum at LMI College offers students a wide variety of subjects to choose from, avoiding the rigidity of predefined curriculums and imposed subjects. In addition to this, the institution offers top-quality academic and university advisory services. The program provides students with the flexibility they need to pursue their education without compromising their academic future. As a result, students have the opportunity to gain admission to the most prestigious universities worldwide.

• Beyond academic achievement, the emotional well-being and personal motivation of LMI College students are of the utmost importance. Parents of students are integral to this process, and the LMI College Parents Association provides a platform for active involvement in their children's education. By working together with the center's specialists, parents can contribute to their children's emotional well-being and overall success. This collaborative approach has proven to be one of the keys to the success of LMI College's program

over the years.

• In a world where every student's needs are unique and constantly evolving, LMI College provides an education program that caters to the individual needs of every student. The institution's personalised approach to education, together with its highly skilled teaching body, provides students with the tools they need to reach their full potential. 

If you are looking for an education that caters to the unique needs of your children, look no further than LMI College. Contact us today and start this journey toward academic and personal success.

Sistema educativo del Instituto LMI College

Modelo educativo

Método pedagógico basado en metodologías activas / innovación Método pedagógico basado en metodologías activas / innovación

Principios educativos

British Education System

Valores del centro

Colegio familiar, con trato indivualizado, dónde cada alumno es importante y no se le hace menos por ninguna razón.

Etapas educativas

Instituto Privado de Educación Secundaria, Bachillerato y FP

  • Infantil 1er ciclo
    (0-3 años)

  • Infantil 2º ciclo
    (3-6 años)

  • Primaria

  • ESO

  • Bachillerato

  • FP/Otros

Más información y modalidades

Educación Secundaria Obligatoria
Educación Especial

Información sobre las etapas educativas del Instituto LMI College

Currículum Británico




Resultados académicos

100% Porcentaje de alumnos que superan la Prueba de Evaluación de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria (ESO).

8.6 Nota media en Evaluación para el Acceso a la Universidad (EvAU / Selectividad).



Tutorías Tutorías

Servicios e instalaciones del Instituto LMI College



Instalaciones deportivas

Gimnasio Gimnasio

Polideportivo Polideportivo

Instalaciones educativas

Biblioteca Biblioteca

Aula de informática Aula de informática

Aula de música Aula de música

Laboratorio Laboratorio

Taller de tecnología Taller de tecnología

Instalaciones salud y desarrollo

Sala de psicomotricidad Sala de psicomotricidad

Atelier (aula multisensorial) Atelier (aula multisensorial)

Instalaciones lúdicas

Patio Patio

Otras instalaciones

Sala de estar / bar Sala de estar / bar

Tecnología y plataformas educativas

Centro tecnológico Centro tecnológico

Google Classroom Google Classroom

Preguntas frecuentes

  • ¿Cuál es el precio del Instituto LMI College?

    El precio del Instituto LMI College está en el rango de más de 700€ mensuales por alumno.

  • ¿Qué opiniones tienen las familias del Instituto LMI College?

    Las opiniones de este instituto indican una valoración de 4.8 sobre 5 en base a las 17 valoraciones existentes. Puedes leer todas las opiniones aquí.

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Mejores Institutos de España

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Opiniones del Instituto LMI College

Las siguientes opiniones son una muestra aleatoria de las proporcionadas por Google Places.

basado en 17 opiniones