

Calle Playa de Formentor 41, 28660, Boadilla del Monte, Madrid.

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At Trinity College Boadilla, we have been committed to educational excellence for over sixty years, cultivating well-rounded individuals in a multilingual environment to lead the future. Staying true to the legacy of the Institution Libre de Enseñanza and Christian humanism, we ensure that ideas evolve and grow with the person, from the person, and for the person. At Trinity College, we blend traditional methodologies that have defined our success with the latest technological and pedagogical advancements in an educational model that guarantees the highest quality and achievement of goals.

Educational System of School TRINITY COLLEGE BOADILLA


Pedagogical method active methodologies / innovation

Educational principles

The Principles of Style at Trinity College embody the values embraced by all members of the educational community, aligning with the three key dimensions of knowledge: knowing how to be, knowing how to do, and knowing how to express. According to these Principles, every member of the institutional educational community commits to an approach that aims to develop a student who is engaged with the world they inhabit.

Center values

Capacidad de superación y esfuerzo son esenciales para el desarrollo personal y profesional. El respeto, afecto y consideración hacia los demás fortalecen las relaciones interpersonales. La ejemplaridad y un espíritu crítico, creativo y democrático fomentan un entorno enriquecedor. La corrección al expresarse ante el mundo es crucial para una buena comunicación. La vocación de servicio a la sociedad y la solidaridad son valores fundamentales en una comunidad saludable.

Number of Students: 482

Number of Teachers 50


Ratio: 10 students per teacher


Annual rotation of teachers


International students

Tutoring Tutoring
Uniform Uniform
Tracksuit Tracksuit

Information about the school-family relationship

Tutors of the groups work in coordination with the Guidance Department, establishing a tutorial action plan. A dedicated hour weekly is allocated to specific tutoring work with the students. Additionally, tutorials are conducted with the students' families to ensure proper monitoring of each case.

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Attention to Diversity at School TRINITY COLLEGE BOADILLA

Educational Psychologist Educational Psychologist
Speech therapist Speech therapist
Hearing and language Hearing and language
High capacities High capacities

Information about the curricular adaptation of the School TRINITY COLLEGE BOADILLA

Trinity College boasts a Psychopedagogical Cabinet staffed by highly qualified professionals in psychology, pedagogy, diagnosis, guidance, and speech therapy. The primary goal is to ensure that students achieve their full potential by giving their best.

Educational Stages of School TRINITY COLLEGE BOADILLA

Early Years 1st Cycle
(0-3 years)
Nursery, 2nd cycle
(3-6 years)
Primary School
Secondary Education
Vocational Education and others

Education Early Childhood Education 1st cycle (0-3 years)

Early Childhood Education (First Cycle) - Daytime (In-person)

Ed. Infantil 2° ciclo (3-6 años)

Early Childhood Education (Second Cycle) - Daytime (In-person)

Educación Primaria

Primary Education (LOMCE) - Daytime (In-person)

Educación Secundaria Obligatoria

Compulsory Secondary Education - Daytime (In-person)


Science Baccalaureate - Daytime (In-person)

A-Level in Humanities and Social Sciences - Daytime (In-person)

Information about the educational stages of the School TRINITY COLLEGE BOADILLA


With over 60 years of experience in education, we have developed our own method based on three solid pillars: Academics, Wellness, and Creativity. We nurture the physical, emotional, intellectual, and social potential of our students. In the Infants section, we enhance English teaching with a total immersion method guided by bilingual specialist teachers. During this stage of rapid cognitive development, constant exposure to a new language is crucial for successful future consolidation.


We strengthen English language acquisition within a bilingual framework where over half of the lessons are taught in English. At Trinity College, we promote entrepreneurship as a key part of the academic curriculum. Through teamwork and active methodologies, students develop a project from an idea based on exploration and research, experiencing various phases from identifying a challenge to presenting the project publicly. The final year Primary students strive to excel in the anticipated charity musical, aiming to instill values of solidarity and helping the less fortunate.


In the Secondary stage, we continue holistic development while focusing on critical thinking and lifelong work habits. We enhance <

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Languages and International Programs at School TRINITY COLLEGE BOADILLA

Spanish Spanish (Vehicular)
English English (Vehicular)
French French (High)

Information about languages of the School TRINITY COLLEGE BOADILLA


At Trinity College, students use English as a vehicular language both in a large portion of class hours and outside the classroom. In Kinder and Infants, we enhance English teaching with a total immersion method led by bilingual specialist teachers. During this stage of rapid cognitive development, consistent exposure to a new language is crucial for successfully consolidating it in the future. In Primary, Secondary, and Baccalaureate, English remains the vehicular language with a special focus on preparing for the Cambridge exams held at the school. It is our goal for all Trinity College students to graduate with a C2 level in English, equivalent to the Proficiency (CPE), the highest certificate issued by Cambridge University. We also organise immersion trips, allowing participants not only to study but also to live the English language. Students attend a school in the United Kingdom for three weeks, sharing routines with British children. We have native teachers at all stages.

IB (International Baccalaureate) IB (International Baccalaureate)

Information about international degrees and programmes of the School TRINITY COLLEGE BOADILLA

We currently offer the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme (PYP), designed for students aged 3 to 12. This innovative methodology allows them to develop crucial skills, enabling them to express their opinions, make informed choices, and take responsibility for their own learning. We are actively implementing the International Baccalaureate (IB) Programme across all educational stages, ensuring a well-rounded and comprehensive education.

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Academic Results of School TRINITY COLLEGE BOADILLA

100 %

Percentage of students who pass the Compulsory Secondary Education Evaluation Test (ESO)


Average EvAU score (0-10)

100 %

Percentage of students who gain access to their first-choice degree

Extracurricular Activities at School TRINITY COLLEGE BOADILLA

Activities Trainers

Basketball Basketball
Tennis Tennis
Swimming Swimming
Chess Chess
Skating Skating
Judo Judo
Yoga Yoga

Activities Artistic

Dance Dance
Piano Piano
Guitar Guitar
Singing Singing
Crafts Crafts
Theater Theater
Ballet Ballet
Paint Paint
Drawing Drawing
Music Music

Activities Cultural

Study support Study support
Programming Programming
Robotics Robotics
Oratory Oratory
Debate Debate
School Radio School Radio

Information about extracurricular activities of the School TRINITY COLLEGE BOADILLA

The Extra-Curricular Activities Department organises various courses that complement the students' education. Although most of the activities listed as extra-curricular are integrated into Trinity College's general curriculum, they can be further developed and perfected optionally outside of regular school hours. We offer specific extra-curricular activities for the Secondary Stage: Oratory Club, Debate Club, Theatre Club, Science Workshop, Creative Writing Workshop, Choir, and Radio Workshop.

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Services and Facilities of School TRINITY COLLEGE BOADILLA

Awards and Recognitions of School TRINITY COLLEGE BOADILLA

In previous years, it appeared in the following rankings:

Mejores Colegios Privados de España
Mejores Colegios Privados de España
Mejores Colegios Privados de España
Mejores Colegios de España
Mejores Colegios de España

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* Sample provided by Google Places

Foto de L. C. A.

L. C. A.

full star full star full star full star empty star
Hace un año

Gracias por la invitación a antiguos alumnos del Liceo Serrano. Me gustó mucho poder volver al colegio, y reencontrarme con antiguos profesores y compañeros de clase. Ha cambiado a mejor en relación a las instalaciones claro, pues se ha actualizado e innovado.

Foto de Fernando Fariña

Fernando Fariña

full star full star full star full star full star
Hace un año

Magnifico centro educativo. Es un colegio con un altísimo nivel de ingles y forman muy bien a los niños y las niñas. Es in colegio relativamente pequeño y familiar lo que permite una educación personalizada Se imparten clases desde 1 año hasta la universidad. Excelentes resultados en EVAU y es un colegio para toda la vifs y la familia. Cuenta aproximadamente con 500 alumnos de muchísimos paises.El núcleo duro de este colegio es la formación en valores y fomentar asi como promover a la persona como epicentro del desarrollo de la sociedad.

Foto de A.R.J.


full star full star full star full star full star
Hace 3 años

Muy buen colegio, pocos alumnos, ambiente familiar y una enseñanza de calidad.

Foto de Tiberiu Tivadar

Tiberiu Tivadar

full star full star full star full star full star
Hace 3 años

En secretaría amables!

Foto de Helena Fidalgo

Helena Fidalgo

full star full star full star full star full star
Hace 4 años

Es un colegio pequeño y familiar, con un ambiente estupendo. Los profesores son muy cercanos y la comunicación con las familias es muy fluida. Es el mejor colegio de la zona, merece la pena venir a conocerlo.

Foto de cristina mateos perez

cristina mateos perez

full star full star full star full star full star
Hace 4 años

Muy contenta con el colegio

Foto de Ricardo Garcia

Ricardo Garcia

full star full star full star full star full star
Hace 6 años

Un colegio magnífico con un proyecto educativo muy completo y una formación en valores que hoy en día está en desuso Muy buena opción

Foto de MA MN


full star full star full star full star full star
Hace 6 años

Un gran colegio con un buen servicio educativo.

Foto de abiole 73

abiole 73

full star full star full star full star full star
Hace 6 años

Un gran servicio educativo emprendedor y tecnológico.

Foto de Pablo Palazuelos Botín

Pablo Palazuelos Botín

full star full star full star full star full star
Hace 7 años

Fantástico colegio para los hijos que promueve la excelencia y los valores en emprendimiento, innovación y el buen uso de la tecnologías. Súper recomendable!

Contact the centre

Feel free to contact the centre! You can choose whichever channel you prefer to resolve all your queries.


Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the price of the School TRINITY COLLEGE BOADILLA?

    The price of the School TRINITY COLLEGE BOADILLA is in the range of Between €300 and €700 per month per student.

  • What opinions do of the School TRINITY COLLEGE BOADILLA families have?

    The reviews for School TRINITY COLLEGE BOADILLA indicate a rating of 4.4 out of 5 based on 30 existing reviews. You can read all the reviews here

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