The Wingate School

The Wingate School de

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Carretera Huixquilucan Río Hondo 14, 52793, Huixquilucan, Estado de México.

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The Wingate School is a British International School in Mexico City which offers an educational programme delivered in English focussed on academic excellence, creativity and human formation. The school aims to form a community of critical thinkers who have a multicultural perspective and social commitment. We are accredited as a Cambridge International School.

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Sistema Educativo del Colegio The Wingate


Método pedagógico metodologías activas / innovación

Principios educativos

To offer a British-international educational approach, incorporating the very best practices, within the Mexican educational system. To develop in our pupils a broad range of abilities which will enable them to think critically. To promote academic excellence in English and Spanish, and be certified by renowned international examinations and certifications. To cultivate human formation and social responsibility, developing integrity and the values needed to improve our world.

Valores del centro

Character Education at TWS is the deliberate effort to cultivate praiseworthy behaviours. The virtues that help form a solid character are: generosity, a sense of fairness, perseverance, self-control, positive attitudes, hard work, integrity and gratitude.

Número de Alumnos: 520

Número de Profesores 75


Relación: 7 alumnos por profesor


Alumnos internacionales

Tutorías Tutorías
Uniforme Uniforme
Uniforme deportivo Uniforme deportivo
Test de Afinidad

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Etapas Educativas del Colegio The Wingate

(0-3 años)
(3-6 años)
Bachillerato / Preparatoria
Estudios Superiores y otros

Información sobre las etapas educativas del The Wingate School

Our students achieve outstanding results at the national level, obtain recognized international certifications and access exceptional opportunities to apply their multilingual skills in subsequent studies abroad. But more importantly, they become empathetic, well-rounded, and educated young adults who enjoy rewarding lives and careers.

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Idiomas y Programas Internacionales del Colegio The Wingate

Español Español (Vehicular)
Inglés Inglés (Vehicular)

Bachillerato Internacional (IB) Bachillerato Internacional (IB)

Información sobre los títulos y programas internacionales del The Wingate School

  • Cambridge International School
  • Diploma Programme
  • International Primary Curriculum
  • International Early Years Curriculum

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Actividades extraescolares del Colegio The Wingate

Actividades Artísticas

Música Música
Baile Baile

Actividades Culturales

Ciencia Ciencia
Programación Programación

Actividades Deportivas

Fútbol Fútbol
Baloncesto Baloncesto
Ajedrez Ajedrez
Voleibol Voleibol
Taekwondo Taekwondo

Información sobre las actividades extraescolares del The Wingate School

Extra-curricular activities in Primary, Secondary and IBDP include cultural, artistic and sport clubs. For example: robotics, football, basketball, volleyball, Tae Kwon Do, arts & crafts, chess, cricket, Irish dancing, debating, F1 in Schools…and more!  

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Servicios e instalaciones del Colegio The Wingate

Premios y Reconocimientos del Colegio The Wingate

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Preguntas frecuentes

  • ¿Cuál es el precio del Colegio The Wingate?

    El precio del Colegio The Wingate está en el rango de Más de 15.000MXN mensuales por alumno.

  • ¿Qué opiniones tienen las familias del Colegio The Wingate?

    Aún no hemos obtenido opiniones del Colegio The Wingate.

Test de Afinidad

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