Instituto Panamericano

Instituto Panamericano of


Poniente 103, 89000, Tampico, Tamaulipas.

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At the Preschool of the Pan American Institute of Tampico, early education starts from 3 months of age. The facilities are equipped to ensure early stimulation, helping students develop self-esteem and security in a healthy environment, surrounded by love and sensitivity. Our approach is based on Personalized Bilingual Education, which uses innovative, playful learning to enhance the neuro and psychomotor development of each student, establishing life habits and skills from this early stage.

Educational System of School Panamericano


Pedagogical method personalization

Educational principles

1. Personalized Bilingual Education: From preschool to high school, ensuring comprehensive and fluent learning in two languages.

2. Educational Innovation: Pioneering programs in robotics, astro sciences, and business education, in collaboration with renowned international institutions.

3. Integral Development: Focus on critical, creative skills, and universal values to shape well-rounded individuals ready for the modern world.

4. Safe and Stimulating Environment: Modern and secure facilities that promote a positive and motivating learning atmosphere.

5. Commitment to Respect: Promoting respect in all forms, preparing students to excel in an interconnected and multicultural world.

Center values

Discover the core values that shape a harmonious society: Respect, Honesty, Responsibility, Tolerance, and Equality and Justice. These essential principles foster mutual understanding and create a foundation for fair and balanced interactions in every community.

Number of Students: 600

Number of Professors 120


Ratio: 5 students per teacher


Annual rotation of teachers

Tutoring Tutoring
Uniform Uniform
Tracksuit Tracksuit

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Attention to Diversity at School Panamericano

Psychopedagogue Psychopedagogue

Information about the curricular adaptation of the School Panamericano

At the Panamerican Institute of Tampico, we foster an environment of respect and consideration for all individuals. We believe in the importance of our students learning to respect and value differences in thought and feeling, guided by traditional universal values. We ensure that everyone in our educational community acts with integrity and dignity, promoting a harmonious and respectful coexistence.

Educational Stages of School Panamericano

Infant 1st cycle
(0-3 years)
Early Childhood Education, 2nd Cycle
(3-6 years)
Elementary school
High school
FP and others

Information about the educational stages of the Instituto Panamericano

We offer a personalized bilingual education that is comprehensive from the maternal level to high school, ensuring complete academic and personal development. At each stage, we provide a safe and stimulating environment, focusing on the development of critical and, most importantly, creative skills. We excel in educational innovation with unique programs in robotics, business education, and astro sciences, in collaboration with the Johnson Space Center and the Consulate of Estonia in Mexico. Additionally, we instill universal values and promote respect in all its forms, preparing our students to excel in an interconnected and competitive world.

Do you want to know more?

Feel free to contact the center! You can choose the channel you prefer to address all your questions.

Languages and International Programs at School Panamericano

Spanish Spanish (Vehicular)
English English (Vehicular)

Information about languages of the Instituto Panamericano

Every day, there are 3 hours of English and 3 hours of Spanish instruction.

Do you want to know more?

Feel free to contact the center! You can choose the channel you prefer to address all your questions.

Extracurricular Activities at School Panamericano

Activities Cultural

School Radio School Radio
Science Science
Reading workshop Reading workshop
Study support Study support
English English
Programming Programming
Robotics Robotics

Activities Sneakers

Soccer Soccer
Volleyball Volleyball
Yoga Yoga

Activities Artistic

Dance Dance
Singing Singing
Cinema Cinema
Art Art
Theater Theater

Information about extracurricular activities of the Instituto Panamericano

t the Panamerican Institute of Tampico, we offer a wide range of extracurricular activities designed for the comprehensive development of our students. From sports like soccer and volleyball to intensive courses in mathematics, reading and English, each activity is aimed at enhancing the students' skills and talents. Additionally, we have programs in astro sciences and robotics, in collaboration with the International Aerospace Academy in Houston, Texas, which stimulate their curiosity and creativity. These activities not only complement academic education but also promote teamwork, discipline, and leadership, ensuring a balanced and complete education.

Do you want to know more?

Feel free to contact the center! You can choose the channel you prefer to address all your questions.

Services and Facilities of School Panamericano

Awards and Recognitions of School Panamericano

In previous years, it appeared in the following rankings:

Mejores Colegios de México

Do you want to know more?

Feel free to contact the center! You can choose the channel you prefer to address all your questions.

Reviews of School Panamericano

* Sample provided by Google Places

Foto de Georgia Humphries

Georgia Humphries

full star full star full star full star full star
Hace 2 meses

Felicidades !! Por sus llogros.



full star full star full star full star full star
Hace 3 meses

“Soy padre orgulloso de que mi hija haya tenido la oportunidad de formar parte de esta gran institución IPT Tampico. Ahora, veo con gran orgullo sus logros en la universidad UDEM de Monterrey, donde está estudiando ingeniería biomedicina Me siento afortunado de haber podido apoyarla en su camino y estoy emocionado de ver todo lo que logrará en el futuro. ¡Mi hija, eres una verdadera inspiración!"

Foto de Alan Mercado

Alan Mercado

full star full star full star full star full star
Hace 4 meses

Una gran escuela, con excelente personal capacitado. Instalaciones de primer nivel, con gran ambiente laboral y muy buen trato a los alumnos. Un plan de estudio como ninguna otra escuela de la zona y enseñan experiencias enriquecedoras para los niños y niñas.

Foto de comnenos alexios

comnenos alexios

full star full star full star full star full star
Hace 4 meses

El Instituto Panamericano de Tampico fue una experiencia increíble. Aprendí muchísimo, no solo en conocimientos académicos, sino también en valores y trabajo en equipo. La educación que recibí fue de alta calidad, con maestros dedicados que siempre buscaban motivarnos a dar lo mejor. Además, una de las experiencias más memorables fue cuando tuvimos la oportunidad de visitar la NASA, una experiencia que inspiró y expandió nuestras aspiraciones.

Foto de Enrique Torres Gochicoa

Enrique Torres Gochicoa

full star full star full star full star full star
Hace 7 meses

Muy buena escuela con un gran nivel academico; lo que mas me gusta de ella es que tiene un programa de intercambios con la nasa, en el cual pude conocer a el ingeniero Javier Montiel, una excelente persona de la cual aprendi mucho y me motivo a dar lo mejor de mi.

Foto de Romina Garcia

Romina Garcia

full star full star full star full star full star
Hace 9 meses

Fue muy buenos tiempos Estar ahi



full star full star full star full star full star
Hace un año

El mejor colegio de toda la zona sur de Tamaulipas

Foto de Amy Medina (ISS Mimic EDU)

Amy Medina (ISS Mimic EDU)

full star full star full star full star full star
Hace un año

Orgullosos de contar con el Instituto Panamericano de Tampico como parte de la familia del ISS Mimic. Felices de tener con Brenda Vázquez como embajadora del ISS Mimic EDU en Mexico. Felicitaciones a todos los estudiantes involucrados en el proyecto de darle vida al modelo a escala de la Estación Espacial Internacional y acercar el espacio a Tampico. Mucho éxito y Enhorabuena!

Foto de Nadia Rojas arrezola

Nadia Rojas arrezola

full star full star full star full star full star
Hace 2 años

Buena escuela.



full star full star full star full star full star
Hace 2 años

Atención personalizada, excelente formación académica basada en valores distinguen al Instituto Panamericano de Tampico.

Contact the center

Feel free to contact the center! You can choose the channel you prefer to address all your questions.


Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the price of the School Panamericano?

    The price of the School Panamericano is in the range of Entre 3.000 y 7.000MXN per month per student.

  • What opinions do of the School Panamericano families have?

    The reviews for School Panamericano indicate a rating of 4.8 out of 5 based on 55 existing reviews. You can read all the reviews here

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